Wednesday, November 1, 2017

UNCG Online Instructors - take a survey, win a gift card

A few weeks ago we sent out a survey to help the library better understand the information and service needs of our faculty who teach online classes, so that we can work towards better serving you! If you have not completed it yet, there is still time. We are extending the deadline to November 6th! While participation is completely voluntary, responses will greatly help us help you. Completing the survey will also enter you into a drawing for an Amazon Gift Card. The survey should take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete.

The survey results will be anonymous to both the researcher and all data shared will be in aggregate form. Risks include possible personal identification by the researchers based on answers, but the aggregate form of sharing should prevent such identification by the broader audience. Individual responses will only be viewed by the PIs on this research and all potential identifiers, including IP address, will not be associated with results. Data will be stored securely in qualtrics and only accessible to the researchers involved. Other risks are not greater than those experienced from regular computer use. Benefits include the improvement of library services and resources available to distance and online faculty, as well as improved outreach and marketing of new resources.

Take the survey here:

Thank you for your time and your responses!

Kate Hill, Electronic Resources Librarian
Sam Harlow, Online Learning Librarian
UNCG University Libraries

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