Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Open Science Framework - Free research project management and data storage

I just watched a interesting webinar on Open Science Framework, an open access research project management and data storage web platform.  One of the developers wrote a nice introduction to the system here.

"Helps individuals and research teams organize, archive, document, and share their research materials and data" (Nosek, 2014).

Workspace can be kept private. Data can be shared selectively (with collaborators, funders, or publishers) or publicly (as a registry to create a public record of a hypothesis/research design at the outset or share materials farther downstream).

The system was advertised to accept any type of file up to 128 MB with workarounds available for larger files. 

The file versioning, wiki capability, and forking look interesting. Integration with Dropbox, GitHub, Dataverse, Figshare and Amazon S3 sound useful. Apparently there will be discussions with Databib and Databrary and various Earth Science collections, to streamline the search for and deposits to repositories.

It doesn't sound like OSF offers long term preservation and curation.  Also, they advise users NOT store personal, financial, or other sensitive data.

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